Happy Monday everyone! Definitely another hot weekend. It’s supposed to be “cooler” this week, but cooler means mid-90s with high humidity still, so it’s still hot. I didn’t end up taking my business pictures that I talked about on Saturday. I had to reschedule because of the roommate situation that we’ve been having. Long story…
Happy Monday everyone! Definitely another hot weekend. It’s supposed to be “cooler” this week, but cooler means mid-90s with high humidity still, so it’s still hot.
I didn’t end up taking my business pictures that I talked about on Saturday. I had to reschedule because of the roommate situation that we’ve been having. Long story short (a lot of you know about it from Twitter), but we had to kick him out. It just wasn’t working. He was engaging in lots of illegal activities in our house and also hadn’t paid us rent.
Anyways, enough with that. I’m really hoping that I find out TODAY about my work test that I took a couple weekends ago.
Watched a lot of movies this weekend. Rented 21 Jump Street (HILARIOUS! and who would think that Channing would be the “nerd”?), The Devil Inside Me, The Grey and Safe House.
Did something really stupid on Saturday. Went to a new car dealership (they were closed because it was after hours) and looked at Jeeps. I don’t know why I want a new car so bad (except for the fact that my car now is a “sports car” and does not look professional). Someone stop me from this stupid temptation!
My updates:
School: Only 4 more weeks until I’m done and then I’ll have my MBA. WOOHOO! So who is sick of my countdown? Hopefully classes 4 nights a week right after work won’t kill me. Last semester of doing this though.
Also, group projects really suck, as you all know. They just never work out well. I have a 3 person group and one guy in my group hasn’t done a single thing yet. But oh well, my professor said if he continues to do nothing, then I can give him his overall group grade (which is worth around 50% of his whole class grade), so if he doesn’t start helping then he will not be getting his MBA. This kid doesn’t work, only has 1 class this semester, and doesn’t have kids, so I don’t know what he does with his time.
Extra Monthly Income: I didn’t make anything from my blog last week. And I only made around $10 from secret shop phone calls. It was a very uneventful extra money week.
Budget Cutting: Nothing cut out of the budget this week. Not really sure what else I could even cut out. This section of my updates just might be disappearing soon.
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Yes another dress I bought. Not feeling guilty though! |
Spending: I did go shopping a couple times last week, but it was all budgeted for. Spent a little less than $100 on 3 dresses and 3 necklaces. I plan on returning one of them though because I don’t really like it anymore. This is all for the Vegas vacation with my friends of course. Still looking for a cute pair of summery heels/wedges, but can’t find any that are cute enough.
I can do without though. I really shouldn’t be spending any more money on clothes and shoes. Also, I went through my closet yesterday and listed a couple of items on eBay and have around 2 big bags of clothes to sell. I still plan on going through the rest of my closet and want to sell a lot more.
Food: We are doing pretty well with this still. I am starting to get sick of what I’m making, so I need to find some new recipes. I know I made my Meal Plan yesterday, but I’m craving tacos for tonight. Does anyone have some really good/different taco recipes?!
Being healthy: Ehhh this section has been average for me. Way too hot outside (yes I know I’m complaining yet again about the weather). I should probably run outside because I could lose 1,000 pounds in heat, but that just doesn’t sound pleasant.
How’s your spending, working out and extra income going?