12 Personal Finance Social Media Accounts You Should Follow

The following is a sponsored collaboration with MoneyLion. You can learn a lot about managing your money better nowadays, especially from social media. Many finance experts and influencers share helpful advice online. By following the right accounts on social media, you can find lots of tips and ideas to help you make smarter choices with…

The following is a sponsored collaboration with MoneyLion.

You can learn a lot about managing your money better nowadays, especially from social media. Many finance experts and influencers share helpful advice online. By following the right accounts on social media, you can find lots of tips and ideas to help you make smarter choices with your money.

For me, I follow many different experts on social media, especially in personal finance, and have learned so many great personal and actionable tips. I also think these types of accounts are great if you’re looking for motivation too!

If you’re looking for new people to follow, here are the best personal finance social media accounts to follow.

Top Accounts to Follow on Social Media for Personal Finance

Below are the top social media accounts to follow for personal finance.


MoneyLion is the most-followed fintech brand on TikTok (with over 1.8 million followers). Their goal is to help everyone make better financial decisions.

MoneyLion’s educational content is tailored for easy understanding, which means you won’t get lost in financial jargon. Whether you are getting started on creating a budget or you are looking for clothing dupes, the platform has helpful and fun TikToks for you to watch.

Our Rich Journey

Our Rich Journey is one of my favorite Instagram accounts for people who are interested in early retirement. This is a family of 4, and the parents were federal government employees until they quit their jobs and retired early at the age of 39.

They share lots of early retirement content that is both helpful and motivating. Plus, they talk a lot about moving to Europe and have helped many others do the same.

The Financial Diet

The Financial Diet is a site and YouTube channel where you can learn about finances in a way that’s not scary or boring.

Launched by Chelsea Fagan, The Financial Diet began as her own journey to make sense of her budget and has grown into a helpful resource for women and anyone else wanting to get smart with their money.

This team of eight talented women brings you advice on everything money-related, from how to save to dealing with debt, and they mix in real-life stories to keep things relatable.

Dumpster Doggy

Dumpster Doggy, run by Amanda Holden, is one of my favorite personal finance accounts to follow on Instagram. She teaches people how to invest and build wealth through extremely entertaining and relatable content that makes personal finance fun.

From tips on how to start investing, 401k tips, her thoughts on social security, to funny financial memes, she shares content that you will pay attention to.

Hey Berna

Berna Anat is your go-to financial hype woman on social media. Taking a unique approach, Berna blends education with entertainment, helping you grasp the ins and outs of personal finance with ease. She’s known for her inspiring journey where she paid off her debt of $50,000.

After waving goodbye to her debt, Berna made a bold move to leave her job, giving her the freedom to travel and focus on bringing fun back into finance. With her online presence, you can join her as she shares valuable insights on managing money.

I Like To Dabble

I Like To Dabble by Daniella Flores is a must-follow social media account if you want to learn more about side hustles and remote work.

Daniella went from 0 to 12 income streams in 4 years and paid off over $40,000 in debt in the process. Now, she teaches others how to start and grow their own side hustles and businesses.

Personal Finance Club

Personal Finance Club focuses on teaching you the essentials of managing money in a way that’s easy to understand and apply to your own life.

Everything is typed out in bite-sized graphics and is easy to understand, which I love.

You can learn things such as how investing your money can make you more over the years (with specific examples), red flags to look out for in personal finance, investment fees that can cost you a ton of money, and more.

The Broke Black Girl

The Broke Black Girl, run by Dasha Kennedy, a millennial financial coach with over ten years of experience as an accountant and default counselor. She turns her past financial challenges, which she openly shares, into learning opportunities for herself and others.

Dasha’s Instagram shares a wealth of knowledge that can get you motivated to save more money, take part in a money makeover, and more.

Your Rich BFF

Your Rich BFF can be a game changer for when you’re scrolling through social media looking for financial wisdom. This platform not only gives the finance advice you need but does it in a way that’s engaging and relatable.

Started by former Wall Street trader Vivian Tu, Your Rich BFF breaks down complex financial concepts into easy-to-digest content. From getting insider tips that could help you manage your 401k, figure out renting budgets, and even how to pay off annoying credit card debt.

Erika Kullberg

Erika Kullberg is a lawyer and one of the most popular personal finance experts on social media with over 21,000,000 followers.

Her “Erika Taught Me” TikToks are extremely popular and started a very popular trend on TikTok. She has taught millions of people how to read the fine print and get things for free (such as free Nike shoes) and how to save money.

Her First $100k

Her First $100k is one of the most popular personal finance social media accounts, and for good reason. Started by Tori Dunlap, she has motivated many people to get better with their money by sharing engaging content to demystify finances for millions.

After realizing that her corporate job wasn’t fulfilling her vision, she found freedom through financial independence. Inspired by her successes and setbacks, such as her mission to save $100K by age 25, she started Herfirst100k to help guide others on a similar path.


Investopedia is your go-to resource for understanding financial terms and concepts. If you’ve ever looked up anything personal finance-related, then Investopedia is a site you’ve probably learned from in the past.

But, you may not know that they also have a really helpful Instagram account as well. Whether you’re taking your first steps in the world of finance or you’re a seasoned pro looking to brush up on your skills, Investopedia shares valuable information at every level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to common questions about personal finance social media accounts.

Where do most people get their financial advice?

A lot of people nowadays turn to social media for financial advice. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram are popular spots where you can find a ton of tips on managing money.

Who to follow on TikTok for finance?

Some of my favorite TikTok accounts to follow for personal finance include MoneyLion, I Like To Dabble, Your Rich BFF, Erika Kullberg, and Her First $100k.

Who to follow on Instagram for finance?

On Instagram, you can follow accounts that give daily money tips, investment ideas, and ways to manage your money. Some of my favorites include Our Rich Journey, The Financial Diet, Dumpster Doggy, MoneyLion, and Personal Finance Club.

What qualities should I look for in a credible finance influencer?

A trustworthy finance influencer should know about money from their own experience or education. They should give accurate, easy-to-understand info and tell you if they’re working with any companies (clear disclosures if they are getting paid for a sponsored partnership is key!). And, if something sounds too good to be true, make sure you do your own research and don’t just trust one person on the internet.

12 Personal Finance Social Media Accounts You Should Follow – Summary

I hope you enjoyed this article on the 12 best personal finance social media accounts to follow.

There are a ton more that I follow as well, so it was very hard to make such a short list. There is a social media account or influencer for pretty much any money topic you can think about, which is so nice these days!

Understanding finance can seem tricky, but it doesn’t need to be. Social media has lots of financial educators who can make things simpler.

They explain things like budgeting, investing, and saving in easy-to-understand ways. By following them, you can learn more about managing money and get advice that fits your needs.

Who is your favorite personal finance social media influencer to follow?

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