When Being Frugal Isn’t Enough

Living well on less is a popular concept these days. And it makes sense why people try to live more frugally. Being frugal means you need less; when you need less, you spend less. When you reduce your expenses, you have more money left over in your own pocket. Getting frugal is the easiest way… … Read more

10 Things I’ve Done To Make Extra Money

Just a little over one year ago, my life revolved around making extra money so that I could pay down my student loans quickly and so that I could stop living paycheck to paycheck. Eventually, I paid off my student loans which allowed me to have more financial freedom. I eventually left my day job and transformed my… … Read more

4 Reasons To Make Extra Money

Here on Making Sense of Cents, we talk a lot about making extra money. While I am all about a person cutting their expenses (this is one of our main goals this year), there is a lot to be said about using your extra time to make extra money. Due to my past side hustles (most of which now… … Read more